([Click here to download a PDF of this document](https://www.slee.com/assets/CrystalEdge%20GenInfo%20-%20Square%20Footage%20and%20Weight.pdf))\n\n# How do I calculate the Square Footage and the weight of Glass?\n---\n### Square Footage Calculation\n**Example:** A standard size sheet of glass that we use is 96” wide X 130” long.\n96” x 130” = 12,480 square inches ÷ 144 = 86.87 square feet.\n\n### Glass Weight Calculation\n**Example 1:** Glass Table Top 48” x 84” x 0.75” thick.\n48” x 96” = 4,608 x 0.75 (3/4” thickness) = 3,456 ÷ 11 (the average weight of one foot of glass one inch thick) = 314.18 pounds.\n\n**Example 2:** Glass Engraving Block 6” x 8” x 0.5” thick.\n6” x 8” = 48 x 0.5 (1/2” thickness) ÷ 11 = 2.18 pounds.\n