([Click here to download a PDF of this document](https://www.slee.com/assets/CrystalEdge%20GenInfo%20-%20Glass%20Types.pdf))\n\n# CrystalEdge® Glass Types\n---\n### Jade\nJade Glass is commonly referred to by the trophy industry as green glass. Although Jade is a relatively clear glass, when it is viewed from the edge it is a green jade color. It is very hard glass that is capable of being finished to an extremely high polish level with cerium oxide. The larger the blank, the darker the shade of green the edge will appear. The green shade comes from iron ore content that is present in the silica sand, which is used to produce this type of glass. Our Jade Glass is available in the following thicknesses - 3/16” (5mm), 1/4" (6mm), 3/8” (9.5mm), 1/2" (12mm) & 3/4" (19mm). We also use 1/8” (3.2mm) and 1” (25mm) for custom products, however availability is often limited for 25mm thick Jade.\n\n### Crystal Clear\nCrystal Clear is often referred to as Clear Glass. It has a slightly less hardness level than Jade Glass, but due to its clarity our high polish edge work creates a beautiful reflection with a slight blue sparkle. Crystal Clear Glass is more expensive to manufacture than Jade Glass and therefore our prices reflect this difference. Our Crystal Clear Glass is available in the following thicknesses - 1/8” (3.2mm), 3/16” (5mm), 1/4" (6mm), 3/8” (9.5mm), 1/2" (12mm) & 3/4" (19mm). We also use 1” (25mm) for custom products, however availability is very limited.\n\n### Black Glass\nBlack Glass has the same hardness level as Crystal Clear Glass and it exhibits a rich dark black edge when polished by our advanced technology edging machines. This glass is used to manufacture our special black trophy bases. Black Glass is known as Graylite® or GrayliteII® and is manufactured in the U.S. by P.P.G. Industries. For Trophy blanks it is available in 1/4" (6mm) thickness for beveled or mitered squares and rectangles, and in 3/8" (10mm) thickness for trophy bases. It is also available for custom glass blanks. \n\n### Blue Glass\nBlue Glass also has the same hardness level as Crystal Clear Glass. Our Blue Glass is known as Azurlite® or Azuria® and is manufactured in the U.S. by P.P.G. Industries. This glass is available in 1/4” (6mm) thick.\n\n### Bronze & Gray Glass\nIn addition to Jade and Crystal Clear glass, we also fabricate custom trophy blanks in Solar Bronze and Solar Gray glass. Our Solar Bronze® and Solar Gray® is manufactured in the U.S. by P.P.G. Industries. These colors are available in 3/16" (5mm), 1/4" (6mm), 3/8" (9.5mm) and 1/2" (12mm) thicknesses.\n\n### Clear or Colored Mirror\nClear and colored mirror is available for custom blanks in a variety of shades for beveled squares and rectangles. Colors available are Clear, Gray, Bronze, Blue, Green and Black, all in 3/16” and 1/4" (5mm and 6mm) thickness. We also use a limited supply of 1/8” (3.2mm) Clear Mirror for Ornaments and for custom products. Our mirror is produced in the U.S.
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